Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Good Sunday

Jim left this morning for Memphis, TN for a week of training for his new job. He was anxious to get the training underway, so he can hit the pavement so to speak when he gets back. So since he left this morning around 9ish, I had the whole day by myself. I went on a 4 mile run this morning, but should have gotten up earlier to do it, because it was already hot by the time I got out there. I also have nice sunburn raccoon eyes. Then, I ate some lunch, watched my fantasy football team DOMINATE, and then decided to go to the beach to read & take a nap.

This trip to the beach was like no other. Unfortunately, the FL panhandle beach is suffering from "Red Tide" right now. Definitely click that link & read about it. I had never heard of such a thing until I saw it in this morning's paper. Yesterday, Jim & I ate lunch at Pompano Joe's on the beach & the purple flags were flying high indicating dangerous marine life. Today, there were no purple flags flying, so I thought I was home free. Not so much!

Apparently, not only is it very harmful to go into the water (I didn't!), but the effects of a red tide can also impact beachgoers without going into the water. The instant that I started walking in the sand toward the water to stake my spot to set up my chair & blanket, I started coughing uncontrollably! I had read about people going into the water & having side effects such as coughing / wheezing - but I didn't think just sitting in the sand would do the same thing. So I sipped on my water, but couldn't help but notice everyone else around me also hacking up their right lung. Most folks just got up & left saying things like "I can't even relax" and "I just can't handle this coughing anymore". I also left within about 1/2 hour because I just couldn't stop coughing. Once I got home, I was completely fine though! Crazy stuff, huh?

So once I got back home, I again watched football while snuggling with both of my kitties (NEVER at the same time - they are too jealous of each other). I just finished eating dinner, still watching football & just talked to Jim from his conference in Memphis.

I have an EARLY morning tomorrow, as I catch a 7 am flight to DC, which means I have to leave the house by 5:00 - which means up by 4ish. YIKES. Good thing I can sleep on the plane! Also a good thing that both of us are gone for the same week! Good for everyone except the fuzzy boys.


Pam Terrell said...

I had never even heard of red tide. Sounds really gross! Who's taking care of the kitty boys?

Jill said...

Extra bowls of food & water, and an extra litter box. The kitties were unsupervised and apparently hosted multiple kitty-kitty parties as there was hair everywhere when I got home! ;) They were fine, but very glad to see me!! And then Jim as well when he got in later Friday night around 11 pmish.