Sunday, May 04, 2008

I have issues

Proximity issues. Jim & I went to Universal Studios a couple of Fridays ago & had a blast together! But what is not fun is the standing in line part. Granted, with it being the 'off season' and most folks are still in school, lines are not long at all, relatively speaking. But I have come to realize that I have a much different proximity parameter than a lot of least people that go to Universal. I swear, every line we got in, we would have kids RIGHT behind us, literally - on our feet or brushing up against us or bumping into us. I don't know about you - but I tend to STOP a couple of steps behind the person in front of me. It wasn't even just was adults too! I literally had an adult LEAN on me in line for the wild river raft ride. Because it was one of the last rides we rode, I was at my proximity limit - so I actually said "Excuse me" to her. She jumped back & said - oh sorry - i thought you were someone else. HUH???

Another exhibit of my proximity issue is on an airplane. I am all for sharing that skinny 1 inch armrest that sits in between my fellow passengers and I....but I don't want my arm touching yours or clothing, etc. I don't want your coat hanging over on my lap or leg. Stay in your space & I will stay in mine! On my last flight to or from DC, I had a very nice older gentleman sitting next to me who was decent with the armrest sharing. But you know how old guy arms are....crazy hair. So I was attacked by rogue arm hair the whole flight. ICK!

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